What countries are covered Worldwide? (Traveller Policy)

  • Updated

Our AllClear Traveller Policy splits Worldwide into 2 Regions (Region 9 and Region 10).

Below you will find 2 lists of all countries that are covered under both of these Regions.

If you have a different AllClear Policy you can view the the cover under Worldwide here.

Region 9 (Worldwide Excluding)

Abu Dhabi Fiji Malaysia Sarawak
Afghanistan French Guiana Maldives Saudi Arabia
Angola French Polynesia Mali Senegal
Antarctic Gabon Marshall Islands Seychelles
Armenia Galapagos Islands Mauritania Sierra Leone
Ascension Island Gambia Mauritius Solomon Islands
Australia Ghana Mayotte Somali Republic
Azerbaijan Greenland Micronesia South Africa
Bahrain Guam Midway Island South Georgia & The South Sandwich Islands
Bali Guatemala Mongolia Sri Lanka
Bangladesh Guinea Mozambique Sudan
Belize Guinea-Bissau Myanmar Swaziland
Benin India Namibia Syria
Bhutan Indonesia Nauru Taiwan
Botswana Iran Nepal Tajikistan
Brunei Darussalam Iraq New Caledonia Tanzania
Burkina Faso Israel New Zealand Thailand
Burma Ivory Coast Niger Togo
Burundi Japan Nigeria Tonga
Cambodia Jordan Niue Tristan Da Cunha
Cameroon Kazakhstan Norfolk Island Turkmenistan
Cape Verde Kenya Northern Marianas Tuvalu
Central African Republic Kiribati Oman Uganda
Chad Korea Pakistan United Arab Emirates UAE
Comoros Islands Kuwait Palau Uzbekistan
Congo Kyrgyzstan Panama Vanuatu
Cook Islands Laos Papua New Guinea Vietnam
Costa Rica Lebanon Philippines Wake Islands
Djibouti Leeward Islands Pitcairn Islands Wallis And Futuna
El Salvador Lesotho Qatar Yemen
Equatorial Guinea Liberia Rodriguez Island Zaire
Eritrea Libya Rwanda Zambia
Ethiopia Madagascar Samoa (western) Zanzibar
Falkland Islands Malawi Sao Tome and Principe Zimbabwe

Region 10 (Worldwide Including) covers all the countries in the above table. Plus the countries below:

Region 10 (Worldwide Including)

Alaska Chile Hong Kong St Helena
Anguilla China Jamaica St Kitts & Nevis
Antigua Colombia Macau St Lucia
Argentina Cuba Martinique St Martin
Aruba CuraƧao Mexico St Pierre & Miquelon
Bahamas Dominica Montserrat St Vincent & the Grenadines
Barbados Dominican Republic Netherlands Antilles Suriname
Bermuda Ecuador Nevis Island Trinidad And Tobago
Bolivia Grenada Nicaragua Turks And Caicos Islands
Bonaire (Antilles) Guadeloupe Paraguay United States of America (USA)
Brazil Guyana Peru Uruguay
British Virgin Isles Haiti Puerto Rico Venezuela
Canada Hawaii Saipan Virgin Islands (UK)
Cayman Islands Honduras Singapore Virgin Islands (USA)

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