Voucher Refund Terms and Conditions

  • Updated

Below are the full Voucher Terms and Conditions:

  • Offers an additional 20% value of the standard refund amount.
  • Voucher is valid for 36 months.
  • If your new premium is more than the voucher value, the difference will need to be paid for by debit or credit card at the time of purchase.
  • Your voucher is valid for single use against the purchase of an AllClear branded policy.
  • Purchases with vouchers need to be made through the Contact Centre before the expiry date.
  • Your voucher can be used in conjunction with other offers at the time.
  • Voucher is non-transferable and there is no cash equivalent.
  • Only original vouchers can be accepted, therefore unique voucher code must be provided on redemption.
  • Voucher not valid for travel insurance purchased using premium finance arrangements.
  • Any residual voucher balance after purchase will be forfeited.
  • Voucher is non-transferable and there is no cash equivalent
  • AllClear cannot be held responsible for vouchers once they have left our control.
  • AllClear reserves the right to reject this voucher with reasonable cause.
  • AllClear reserves the right to amend or remove the policies for which vouchers can be redeemed at any time.

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